
LunaRich® FAQ

What is LunaRich?
LunaRich from Reliv is a breakthrough nutritional ingredient that optimizes bioactive lunasin more than any other source available today. LunaRich is made from non-GMO soybean varieties with the highest concentration of lunasin and manufactured using proprietary technologies that help maintain the lunasin’s bioactivity — even after digestion. The result: You get maximum lunasin for maximum benefits.

What is lunasin?
Lunasin is a peptide found naturally in soy that is responsible for many of soy’s documented health benefits, including:

1) Heart health
2) Cholesterol management
3) Inflammation reduction
4) Antioxidant benefits
5) Improved immunity
6) Overall cellular health

Please note that everyone’s body is different and that the rate at which lunasin helps you achieve improvements in your health and the degree to which you achieve them is dependent on many factors, including lifestyle choices. Learn more about lunasin.

How does lunasin provide so many health benefits?
Lunasin works at the cellular level to provide benefits throughout the body. It attaches to the epigenome, that part of the cell which determines cell function. As a result, lunasin can increase expression of important genes needed for normal functioning of the cell and can protect the cells from environmental damage once it occurs. Learn more about lunasin and epigenetics.

Do LunaRich and LunaRich X come from genetically modified soy beans?
No. Like all of Reliv’s soy formulas, LunaRich is derived from non-GMO soybeans.
Is LunaRich derived from whole soy?
Yes. LunaRich is a whole soy powder.
I do not like to take pills, which is one of the reasons I choose to drink Reliv shakes. How can I consume LunaRich X?
Since LunaRich X comes in a bioavailable capsule instead of a tablet, you can simply open up the capsules and pour the contents into your Reliv shakes.

How does LunaRich help manage cholesterol levels?
LunaRich works to improve cholesterol in two ways. Most cholesterol is produced by your liver. Lunasin, a key peptide in LunaRich, has been clinically proven to disrupt production of cholesterol in the liver and improve the liver’s ability to clear LDL (bad) cholesterol from the bloodstream. Learn more about how lunasin helps lower cholesterol.
Does LunaRich contain gluten?
No. In fact, Reliv offers many gluten-free products including Reliv Now®, Reliv Nourish™ for Kids, ReShape, A-affect™ and Innergize!™.
How effectively is LunaRich absorbed by the body?
Bioavailability, how effectively a nutrient is absorbed by the body, has always been a key component in the Reliv Difference. With LunaRich, we have taken the bioavailability of lunasin, a key peptide in soy, to a whole new level. Learn more about LunaRich and bioavailability. 

Does lunasin help with cancer prevention?
Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We make no claims to that effect, except for the FDA-approved heart disease health claims related to soy protein and phytosterols. Through our Policies and Procedures, we prohibit distributors from making disease claims and require distributors make only those claims authorized by Reliv or provided in Reliv’s sales and training materials.

While we are aware of the ongoing research and articles related to lunasin and cancer, under no circumstances may Reliv’s products be marketed as preventing or treating cancer. Our products are nutritional supplements, not drugs. We chose to develop LunaRich because lunasin has many health benefits and synergistically fits within our products to enhance the overall wellness of every individual consuming our products.

Is Reliv the only place you can get lunasin?
Yes and no. Lunasin is a naturally occurring peptide found in seed-bearing plants. Since soy is such an excellent source of protein, it is also a superior source of lunasin. Lunasin is part of nature, so holding the exclusive rights to all lunasin would be like holding the rights to oxygen.

But not all lunasin is created equal – not even close. The concentration and bioavailability of lunasin among soy foods (soy milk, tofu, etc.) and other sources varies dramatically. And no other source can match the concentration and bioavailability of the lunasin found in Reliv products.

What Reliv does have exclusive rights to is the lunasin produced through a proprietary extraction process developed by Soy Labs. No one else has been able to effectively extract bioactive lunasin of such quality and in such concentration. Reliv is now way ahead of the curve in harnessing the power of this clinically proven superfood.

What lunasin patents does Reliv hold?
Reliv now holds three lunasin-related patents:

  • Two different patents on lunasin's mechanism of action for reducing LDL cholesterol in the body.
  • A composition of matter patent on Reliv's LunaRich technology as it relates to its superior ability to deliver bioactive lunasin to the body.

Reliv also holds multiple patents pending in the U.S. and abroad. Reliv has exclusive rights and direct control over the entire LunaRich X™ production process and technologies. Reliv also owns a proprietary bioassay that effectively determines the amount of bioactive lunasin available after digestion – the only test of its kind. It is this test that gives Reliv the unique ability to guarantee the bioavailability of lunasin in our LunaRich® products.