Fit3 Transforms Lives!
People all over the country are sharing their amazing transformations with us. Whether it's dropping over 45Kg like our friend Dan McNeill above or finally being able to do a pushup with perfect form, people are finding results with Fit3 and Reliv nutritional supplements. "I cannot describe how much my life has changed since joining Fit3 over a year ago. Right now my DNA is plugged into the "Staying Fit" portion of this program... and I love it. And how about them protein smoothies? YUM!" says Dan McNeill.
Check out just some of the lives that have been changed below, and for even more inspirational stories, connect with us on Facebook. Do you have a Transformation Story? Email us!

Shannon Van Horn
“It's pretty amazing how much has changed in 3 months outside of my 14.5Kg weight loss and inches lost. I actually want to be in front of people now. I look forward to group class and the extra effort it makes you put forth. Fit3 has taught me about lifestyle changes and habits. Through this program, the things that have benefited me the most are not the weight that I lost, but the self-esteem and confidence that I have gained each day as I made better choices for myself.”
Beverly Bentley
"I am one of those people who has tried EVERYTHING! I began a course where I tried and did every kind of diet and cleanse that came along. You name it and I tried it. I was always successful and lost weight, but my mindset was completely wrong. I felt deprived and like I was being tortured. I also felt sorry for myself and would tell myself that as soon as I finished the cleanse or lost the weight that I could eat like a normal person again. Then the weight would come back on and usually with a little extra. Take all of that and add age to it and my weight just kept creeping up. With Fit3 I never once felt deprived or tortured. In fact, many times I am eating more than I normally would and I am just not hungry. Nothing is off limits... I just needed to plan ahead. I have learned the importance of planning and reading labels and making better choices. It’s not about starving myself... it’s about feeding myself healthy food that tastes delicious. As of today, I have lost 7.2Kg and 29cm. I have a lot more to go, but I’m not worried because I know I will get to where I need to be and I will do it in a healthy way. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!"
April Utterback
April Utterback, a warehouse supervisor from Mexico, MO wanted to get moving. “I felt tired all the time and didn’t have energy to do much of anything,” she says. “When my husband, Scott, would ask me to join him for golf, I chose to stay on the couch.” She started on Fit3 in October. “I was overweight and unhappy about it,” she says. “I just wanted to feel better about myself.” April achieved weight loss success 10 years ago on another program, but regained the weight: “What made that program unsustainable in the long term is that it was based only on calorie restriction – even if those calories came from frozen, processed junk. Fit3 made me aware of what I was eating, not just how much I was eating. I tracked my intake on my smartphone and started eating cleaner.” April starts every day with a Fit3 Active shake, usually with spinach, a banana and blueberries blended in. She adds a healthy lunch and dinner, plus protein-packed snacks throughout the day. During the week, she follows her after-work trip to the gym – yep, she exercises regularly now – with another Active shake for recovery. So far, she’s dropped 11.3Kg! The weekends are a lot different, too. In addition to running up to five miles at a time, she’s picked up a new hobby. “I go golfing with Scott now,” she says. “I can’t say I’m very good yet, but it sure is a great way to spend more time together. Life is good!”
Kristin Jurgesmeyer
"I cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for my Fit3 peeps! For the first time in my adult life I feel like I can and will actually follow through with getting to a more confident and comfortable weight! It is an amazing feeling to have group texts asking what everyone's plans are for the day... and getting high-fives when you walk in an exercise class. And then getting even bigger high-fives when you walk out knowing you completed the class for the night! We are all in this together even though our first 90 days are done. Team MO-tivation has changed me and I feel blessed to be on this journey with you guys!"

Mark Gauger
“Fit3 made me very aware of where I could make improvements in my nutrition. Through discipline and using the Fit3 products and the elements of the Fit3 program, I’ve changed my habits. I haven’t gone on a diet by any stretch of the imagination, but I am more aware of my choices. Just making some small changes, I got results! I just feel better, and it is hard to believe that I could feel even better than I did before, but mental clarity, and energy and confidence... all those things have improved significantly since being on Fit3. I am 53 years old, I have more energy than I did when I was 30 and I feel great. During the first 90 days, I lost 4Kg and my body fat percentage dropped from 27% to 18%, and I increased my lean muscle mass by 6.3Kg!”
Debbi Grenz
"In August of 2016 I 'woke up' and came to the realization that I needed to make a change if I wanted to be around to raise my 6 children, ages 5-14.
With the help of Reliv products and making better food choices, I started losing weight! By February 2017, when the Fit3 program was released, I had lost 15.8Kg.
With Fit3 I lost another 9.5Kg! Bringing my total weight loss to 25.3Kg!! I have also lost a total of 89cm and 4 jean sizes! I have surpassed my original goal and I am now working on my new goal. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will reach my weight loss goal with Fit3. My greatest success is changing my lifestyle to Get Fit, Feel Fit and Stay Fit! Thank You Reliv and Fit3!"
Ryan Montgomery
"I’ve enjoyed results with Reliv products for 34 years, but Fit3 has changed my life and my habits, and I love the Fit3 lifestyle. I lost 10Kg, but more important to me is the energy that comes from all three parts of the program. You don’t have to be an extreme athlete… Fit3 is for everyone!"
Jan Mengel
"Fit3 has taken my Reliv journey to a new level. What began 4 years ago as a desire for wellness and nutrition, has become so much more! It’s not only the 18.1Kg and 66cm I’ve lost but the freedom I’ve gained. My new core strength allows me to stand tall and walk with confidence! Fit3 tools provide redirection when I go off track. And the example I set for my son and his family as we enjoy new opportunities together is priceless!"
Diane Helmold
“Fit3 allows me to live a healthy lifestyle with no limits on anything! To live fun and to be fun!”
Robert & Lauren Laird
"Fit3 has been an incredible journey for us both. We had gotten a bit lazy with our eating habits and neither of us exercised. We both had gotten a bit pudgy and our clothes were fitting quite snug. Fit3 came along and all of that changed. Between the two of us we have lost about 16Kg. We exude confidence and love sharing that hope with others. We don't know anyone that doesn't want to lose weight or stay fit. Fit3 makes it easy for everyone!"